Monday, September 17, 2018

Students Behavior

     In my 20 hours of observation, I saw that the behavior of the students was stable. When the students are left alone in the classroom students are usually noisy. They are only ten in the class and two of them are really noisy and talkative. However, when my cooperating teacher was on class both students are very behave and attentive. They are listening to the teacher and participating. 

     In one of my observation, I noticed one student she was a student with intellectual disability. She was attending the small group and my cooperating teacher was their teacher in math. When the student noticed that I am around she talk her two classmates in math and say "Nandyan na niyan si teacher kunin niyo na math book niyo" then both of her classmates gets their book, because it was their routine that my cooperating teacher taught them she applied it every math time.


  1. I stand at the door and greet my students. At the door, I hand them a card to find their seat. Random and quick. Once they sit down, we get started. My first day is packed.

  2. Teachers want training; they want to fit in; they want to do their best; and they want their students to achieve. For the most part, education has failed to recognize what other industries have recognized almost from the start—formalized, sustained training matters.


The Effective Teacher With Harry K. Wong, Part 3: Discipline And Procedures

      Mr. Harry Wong's part 3 was about Discipline and Procedures. Harry Wong states that " Effective teachers have a plan... ...