Monday, September 17, 2018

Child Protection

       DepEd order No.40, s. 2012 also known as Child Protection Policy. This policy aim to protect the child from all forms of violence done by adults, person with authority and fellow classmates. Every child has the rights to go to school, to live, to have name, to protection etc. We need to protect the children because no one else will protect them except the adults whom they depend on.          
       As I observed not only my cooperating teacher but also to the other teachers, I saw how they value children. They gave their best to give the information that every student should know, they give the best intervention that will help the students to cope up with their lessons. The school itself also know how to value the safety or the protection of each student like not allowing the students to go out the school when it was school time. Handprints do every thing to make the school environment child friendly. As I observed mu cooperating teacher I notice that before starting the class she first greet her students and asked “how are you?” To each students in  that way she was concern to the child. In some instance there are times that when the students act unusual she was always asking or talking to the students. 


  1. This is awesome. EVERY teacher should build this type of relationship with their student. I think we would have much less disrespect, wasted-time, too scared to speak, feelings of low self-worth, etc. in the classroom if teachers take a moment to foster a fun and safe learning environment through trust.

  2. A teacher should not
    be worried about always controlling the negative behaviors, but be mindful about how to attain
    the students’ positive performances.


The Effective Teacher With Harry K. Wong, Part 3: Discipline And Procedures

      Mr. Harry Wong's part 3 was about Discipline and Procedures. Harry Wong states that " Effective teachers have a plan... ...