Monday, September 17, 2018

The Effective Teacher With Harry K. Wong, Part 3: Discipline And Procedures


  Mr. Harry Wong's part 3 was about Discipline and Procedures. Harry Wong states that " Effective teachers have a plan... If you don't have a plan then you're planning to fail." As a teacher you should always have a plan before entering your classroom because having no plan can make a chaos inside the classroom, because basically you as a teacher don't know what to teach.

   Discipline is concern on how the students Behave, and Procedure is concern on how the things are done. In implementing discipline in your classroom things has rewards and penalties, on the other side if you implement procedures there are no reward and penalties given. Giving procedure to the students help them to learn step by step how ever if you discipline a student you are more focused on the behavior not by the doings of a student.

      Harry Wong states to effectively manage your class teachers should establish routines and procedure, in their students will know and learn things they should do when they are inside your class. 

    As a future teacher it is a must to implement routines to your students to effectively mange your class and manage the academic time effectively .

Model of Values

    Good values. A teacher should poses a good values specially in front of their students. That was my cooperating teacher do inside her classroom, even if she was a friend of the students the student still respect her. She was also really careful of her actions inside the class knowing that she was a fresh graduate. 

    In this venn diagram the values that the teacher should poses are indicated. In my 20 hours of observation I saw those values to her. She was responsible on her lessons every day, I always see that she was bringing her planner with her and every thing that she need to accomplished was there. Honesty she was to her co-teachers and to the students. Caring, yes she was very caring even to me she was always asking how was the students doing and she was talking to the students who are doing unusual things. Learning and Community, she was open to new learning thru her colleagues, to the parents and  to the students.

     As a future teacher I should do imitate her good values to make ma a good teacher in the future. 

Students Behavior

     In my 20 hours of observation, I saw that the behavior of the students was stable. When the students are left alone in the classroom students are usually noisy. They are only ten in the class and two of them are really noisy and talkative. However, when my cooperating teacher was on class both students are very behave and attentive. They are listening to the teacher and participating. 

     In one of my observation, I noticed one student she was a student with intellectual disability. She was attending the small group and my cooperating teacher was their teacher in math. When the student noticed that I am around she talk her two classmates in math and say "Nandyan na niyan si teacher kunin niyo na math book niyo" then both of her classmates gets their book, because it was their routine that my cooperating teacher taught them she applied it every math time.

Child Protection

       DepEd order No.40, s. 2012 also known as Child Protection Policy. This policy aim to protect the child from all forms of violence done by adults, person with authority and fellow classmates. Every child has the rights to go to school, to live, to have name, to protection etc. We need to protect the children because no one else will protect them except the adults whom they depend on.          
       As I observed not only my cooperating teacher but also to the other teachers, I saw how they value children. They gave their best to give the information that every student should know, they give the best intervention that will help the students to cope up with their lessons. The school itself also know how to value the safety or the protection of each student like not allowing the students to go out the school when it was school time. Handprints do every thing to make the school environment child friendly. As I observed mu cooperating teacher I notice that before starting the class she first greet her students and asked “how are you?” To each students in  that way she was concern to the child. In some instance there are times that when the students act unusual she was always asking or talking to the students. 

Handprints School of Progressive Education: The School System

          Handprints School of Progressive Education is one of the school in Angeles City that offers Pre-School, Elementary, and Special Education. Handprints is an inclusive school wherein students with special needs go to the same class together with the normal students. The school system was consist to Pre-Kinder, Kinder, Preschool, Grades 1-6, and Grade 7-8. Moreover, Hanprints is an inclusive class up until their high school, they offer Sped class, Mainstreamed,and inclusion.

     Handprints School of Progressive Education give the quality education that every student should have. They let the students with disability to experience things that a regular student experience. Handprints really focused on collaborating with each and every students specially to students with exceptionalities, they value collaboration of parents to teachers because knowing the progress of their child was very important so parent and teacher communication was really important.

The Effective Teacher With Harry K. Wong, Part 3: Discipline And Procedures

      Mr. Harry Wong's part 3 was about Discipline and Procedures. Harry Wong states that " Effective teachers have a plan... ...