Sunday, August 5, 2018

Pre-Service Teacher in the making!

Hi! I'm Jhasmyn Joyce Quizon Dizon. You can call me "Jhas" and I' 19 years old taking up Bachelor of Elementary Education major in Special Education. To be honest I'm not really good in introducing myself. 

Being a Education student isn't really my first choice, but as time passed by I can really feel that "I want to be a SpEd teacher!", "I want to teach!", "I'll get Masteral and Doctorate!". I know that I am not perfect but I can say that in some way I possess the traits of being a teacher and I will show it. 

On the other hand, I have many dreams. To travel different countries, buy my parents a house, give my parents the life that they want. I treasure my family so  much, as their only daughter I am really doing my best not to be the perfect daughter but to be the best daughter. To be able to achieve all my dreams I need to study and work hard.

In my three and a half year in education, my teaching philosophy that I will surely bring up to my teaching career in the future.

"I believe that every students regardless of their exceptionalities have the rights to be educated. Inclusion is one of the effective way of helping these students, as it helps students develop their social skills and independence. I want my students to learn essential skills, expressing thoughts and be independent, to be able to achieve this I will let my students learn by experiences and focused on the student's needs."

Ready, Set, Observe!

Dizon, Jhamsyn Joyce Q,

        On my first day of observation, I felt excited but nervous I still worry about what will be the impression of my teacher to me. I arrived early to hand prints because I know that first impression last. Teacher Fenina was handling the grade five small group on Math, Filipino, and big group on English.  As the class started, I can see how teacher Fen loves and cares for the students. Before starting she will first ask the class "How are you?" after greeting,  she will ask the students about what they learned the other day. Because of the periodical exam next week, they are more focused on reviewing the students and through that, I saw how passionate she was in teaching she was so determined to teach the students by using different kinds of instruction but sometimes she still uses the traditional type like lectures. On my second day, she give a seatwork on their math subject and I saw that she modified the given numbers on the book to meet the capability of the child, she also allow her student to use calculators so they will not have a hard time, on their English subject teacher Fen gave a spelling quiz wherein she doesn't use words that are hard to understand but still fits their grade level at the same time she is giving the meaning of each word. And on my third day, they are still reviewing for the upcoming periodical exam, because some students forget the lesson the next day. So teacher Fen gives board work wherein she calls someone to answer one item that was written on the board and the students are really excited when they are the next one to answer. I cal also say that the students are very comfortable when teacher Fen was the one is teaching them. She was not that strict but students still respect and listen to her. I'll admit that teacher Fen needs more classroom management but she still do her best to teach the students.

     I ask teacher Fenina about her perspective in teaching, she told me that she is a advocate of Inclusive Education. She believes that every students are different so they should be taught the way they need to. She also says that she wants her students to love learning as well as their life. So I can say that teacher Fen is more on Progressivist teacher. She is more on the progress of the child. To be honest I can't really identify her exact philosophy, however based on the some of my observation she is more on the progress of the child in a certain subject or topic. She uses different kinds of approach to help the students understand the lesson.

In conclusion, observing helps me to understand more about teaching and handling students. Field Study gives me experience to meet different kinds of teacher with different kinds of philosophy in teaching. I can adopt the good traits of teacher Fen when I will be the one to teach students. And the not so good traits that will be a lesson to me to do my best and to be the best.


Dizon, Jhasmy Joyce Q.

    Last July 23,2018 was our deployment, As we arrived to Hand Prints Sir Elmer talked to the Mrs. Frances Yamsuan the principal. After that Mr. Jonard Yamsuan the HR of the school was the one who oriented us. 

    Mr. Yamsuan asked us if this was out first time in observing on handprints, however he knew some of us. He first introduced himself and welcomed us. Mr. Yamsuan starts in indicating the rule and regulation. First rule, No cellphones allowed during observation time. Second, be punctual come before the time. Third, before taking pictures students should ask permission first to the principal. And lastly confidentiality of the pictures, taking pictures is okay considering that the face of the child is not shown. 

    In conclusion, I learned that as a future teacher we should know how to follow rules because we will soon work to different schools with different rules so following rules now will help us be more responsible and be respectful to the rules of the school. 

The Effective Teacher With Harry K. Wong, Part 3: Discipline And Procedures

      Mr. Harry Wong's part 3 was about Discipline and Procedures. Harry Wong states that " Effective teachers have a plan... ...